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Last updated: 17 September 2019

We recognise that it is important for you to understand how we use your personal information. Please take time to read through this Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy, to ensure you are aware of how WSA obtains and uses your information.

For the purposes of the data protection laws applicable to us, we, Women Societies Alliance Limited, are the data controller of personal information you provide to us or which we otherwise obtain about you. In other words, we are the organisation that decides how your personal information is used in the context of our activities.  Our company registration number is 12512466. In this Privacy Policy, "WSA", "we", "us" and "our", refer to Women Societies Alliance Limited.


This Privacy Policy describes the way we process and use any personal information about our members and visitors to our website and any other individuals whose data we process in the course of our activities. 

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. You should therefore check this page frequently to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

When you talk to us or interact with us (for example, through our website or through our social media platforms) or otherwise attend our events and activities, you acknowledge that we may collect personal information from you and we may use and transfer that personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. To assist you further in understanding this Privacy Policy, we have set out in the Schedule examples of types of personal data we collect, the lawful basis for processing such data, details of third parties we may share your Personal Information with and details of your rights.

Please also note that where you provide us with personal information to be shared with a third party who will provide services directly to you (for example an activity provider), they shall also be a data controller of that information and you should review their own Privacy Policy for details as to how they will handle your Personal Information.

  1. Personal Information that we collect from you

  2. How Personal Information is collected

  3. How do we use Personal Information?

  4. Sensitive Personal Information

  5. Your rights

  6. Security and how long we retain your Personal Information

  7. Third Parties

  8. Cookies

  9. Transfers of your Personal Information outside the EEA

  10. Complaints

  11. Contact Us

Schedule: The Legal Bits


We will only use information from which you can be identified, such as your name, contact details and financial information ("Personal Information") which is provided to us, or otherwise obtained by us, as set out in this Privacy Policy. For more examples of the Personal Information we collect, please see the Schedule below.


There are a number of different ways in which we may collect Personal Information from you directly (e.g. if you're making an enquiry or browsing our website) or maybe you are applying for a role with us. We may also collect Personal Information about you indirectly via third parties.

Examples of when we may collect Personal Information about you (directly or indirectly) include:

  • Talking to us. When you interact with us (e.g. registering with us, sending us emails, simply visiting the website, or if you talk to us via social media, we may collect the data that we need in order to have that interaction with you. In respect of any online interactions, we may also collect technical information about you ("Technical Personal Information") (for examples of this, please see the Schedule below).

  • Applications. Where you apply for a position with us or for any of our initiatives, activities and/or events, we may collect from you and third parties (where relevant) additional Personal Information such as your CV.

  • Society memberships. Through your society, we might collect information to better understand the demographics, our target audience and how we can better bridge the gap in gender diversity in the financial sector. 


We will only ever use your Personal Information when the law allows us to, as described in the Schedule. Examples of why we may process your Personal Information are:

  • Providing access to events, activities or initiatives. We will need to process your Personal Information whenever you sign up for an event, activity and/or initiatives. 

  • Getting feedback. By analysing your preferences, we can better tailor our activities to your needs and interests. We can also ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device by monitoring customer traffic patterns and website usage to help us improve the design and layout of our website and provide content that is of interest to you.

  • Marketing Communications and Newsletters. When you sign up on our website or opt into our periodic newsletters, we may also use your Personal Information to send you our newsletters and other marketing communications by electronic means (e-mail). You may change your mind about receiving such marketing communications at any time, as detailed in the "Your Rights" section below.

  • Social Media. We also like to work with Facebook and other social media platforms (“Platforms”) to reach out to you with adverts, where we have a lawful basis to do this.  We share very limited data with the Platforms and the data is hashed and pseudonymised (meaning that any data that could identify you is replaced with an artificial identifier, making it more secure).  Facebook then uses this pseudonymised data to create "lookalike" audiences of people who are likely to be interested in the same sort of content.

  • Research. From time to time we (or a third party on our behalf) may contact you to ask you about your experience with WSA. We use this information to improve our activities. We will never include any form of marketing in these communications and you may opt-out of receiving them at any time.

  • Job Openings. If you have consented to such communications, we may also send you information about our job openings that may be of interest to you.

  • Partnerships with Societies. Where you or your society becomes an affiliated society to us or undertake partnerships with us, you and/or they may provide us with some of your Personal Information in connection with our activities and initiatives we plan. 


You may provide us with some special categories of Personal Information "Sensitive Personal Information" in order for us to make reasonable accommodations, e.g. providing us with information about your dietary or medical requirements and any restricted mobility or access requirements for our events and/or initiatives, which may reveal details about your mental or physical health or condition.

The provision of this information is entirely voluntary and where you provide such information to us, you consent to our processing of this Sensitive Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We shall only process this information to the extent strictly necessary.


You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your Personal Information in a number of ways that are more particularly described in the Schedule.

If you'd like to do so, please contact us by emailing us at or by contacting us to let us know via our social media platforms.


Unless otherwise instructed by you, we will retain your Personal Information for only as long as we require for the purposes for which it was collected. Once the relevant purpose has been satisfied, we will delete or anonymise your Personal Information unless we are required to retain a copy of such information under applicable law.

Please note, that the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and, although we will take steps to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information transmitted via the website and/or any platforms online – any transmission is therefore at your own risk.


We may share your Personal Information with third parties where we have the right to do so, as set out in this Privacy Policy. For more information on the third parties we use and the Personal Information we may share with them, please see the Schedule.

Links from our site to external websites do not mean we endorse these websites. We advise you to read the Privacy Policy applicable to each third-party site you visit and we will not accept any responsibility for or liability in respect of either the contents or your use of these third party sites.


For more information on our use of cookies, please see our Cookies Policy. 


In processing your Personal Information, it may be necessary for us to transfer your Personal Information outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It may also be accessed by our partners based outside the EEA.

We will only transfer your Personal Information to third parties outside the EEA if that third party:

  • is situated in a country that has been confirmed by the European Commission to provide adequate protection to Personal Information,

  • has signed a European Commission approved written contract to provide all the necessary protections to your Personal Information as required by data protection laws or has signed up to an approved safeguarding scheme; or

  • we have your consent to do so.

You can contact us to request a copy of the relevant extracts from the contractual documentation we use relating to the transfer of your Personal Information. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the UK is no longer a part of the EEA, references in this Privacy Policy to the EEA shall mean the EEA and the UK.


Should you have any queries or complaints in relation to how we use your Personal Information, please contact us using the details below. Should you wish to take any complaints or queries further, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner's Office regarding such issues.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at  


Part I Types of Personal Information we collect

Examples of the types of Personal Information we collect include:

  • Identity data: name, username, address, email address, social media account name. medical data.

  • Contact data: email address, telephone numbers.

  • Profile data: demographic data, interests, experiences with our events and initiatives and contact preferences.

  • Technical Personal Information:

  • Device data. Information about the type of device, operating system and platform you use (such as a computer or mobile device) to access our website and/or our apps, your choice of browser and plug-in types and versions.

  • Location data.  We may collect the location or time zone setting of a device or IP address.

  • Usage data about your visit. Automatically generated information about your website session, e.g. full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our website (including date and time), products and events you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), data about your internet service provider, the number and timing of clicks to and from the content on our website and/or our apps and methods used to browse away from the page.

  • Data about your interactions. Data generated through interacting with our content such as the contents of a post or comment on our website, or whether a link or image was shared using a particular social media network. Where you receive emails from us we may also collect email engagement rates and activities.

Some of the technical data set out above will be collected by cookies that we use on our website and/or our social media accounts. For more information on the ways in which we make use of cookies, please see our Cookies Policy.

Part II How we are able to process your Personal Information

In order to be able to process your Personal Information, data protection law requires us to have a lawful basis in which to do so, as set out below:

  • Talking to us. When you interact with us (e.g. registering with us, sending us emails, simply visiting the website, or if you talk to us via social media, we may collect the data that we need in order to have that interaction with you. In respect of any online interactions, we may also collect technical information about you ("Technical Personal Information") (for examples of this, please see the Schedule below).

  • Applications. Where you apply for a position with us or for any of our initiatives, activities and/or events, we may collect from you and third parties (where relevant) additional Personal Information such as your CV.

  • Society memberships. Through your society, we might collect information to better understand the demographics, our target audience and how we can better bridge the gap in gender diversity in the financial sector. 

Please note that we also process some personal data in order to comply with certain legal obligations, to prevent and detect criminal activity and in order to protect, defend and establish our legal rights.

Part III Third parties we may share information with

We may share your Personal Information with third party service providers and if so, your Personal Information will still only be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy as in force from time to time.

We may share your Personal Information with our sponsors and affiliate partners and share your Personal Information if you have agreed for such information to be shared with them.  As mentioned above, we may also share some limited Personal Information with social media platforms.

If our corporate structure changes, your Personal Information may be disclosed to the new partners and directors, so that they and we can continue to keep WSA functioning. 

Part IV Your rights

Your legal rights in relation to the Personal Information we hold about you are set out below.

  • Objection. You can object to our processing of your data for legitimate purposes (see the Schedule for more information) if you feel it impacts on your rights. You can also change your mind about receiving communications from us and third parties in relation to marketing or market research communications.

  • Access. You are entitled to access a copy of the Personal Information we hold about you (subject to a few exemptions) and ask for details as to how and why that information is processed.

  • Rectification. You can request that we correct any Personal Information that we are holding about you that is incorrect or incomplete. 

  • Erasure. You can ask us to erase or stop processing any Personal Information we have about you where there is no longer a legal ground for us to hold it.

  • Transferring data. In some circumstances, you may want us to transfer any information we hold about you to a third party.

You may also have similar rights with our third party partners and you should consult their Privacy Policies or policies and/or contact them for further information (e.g. Google Analytics). 


Last updated: 17 September 2020

This Cookies Policy will apply to your use of which are operated by Women Societies Alliance Limited (“WSA”).


Cookies are very small text files that, if you consent to it, are sent from our server to your browser and stored on your computer. Each time you return to our Website, your browser will provide cookies to our Website.


Cookies help us to analyse web traffic and identify which pages of our Website are being used. Our Website also uses cookies to respond to you as an individual so that it can tailor its operations to your needs by gathering and remembering information about your preferences as well as enabling you to login to your account. We use this information for the purposes set out below.

A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than information about how you use the Website and the Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy) you choose to share with us (including Personal Information you automatically share with us by way of your browser settings).

We do not use cookies to store any of your financial information on your computer.

In particular, we use the following cookies:

(a) Session (or Transient) Cookies

A session cookie only lasts for the duration of users using the website. A web browser normally deletes session cookies when it quits. They become inaccessible after the session has been inactive for a time and are automatically deleted from your computer when the browser is closed. WSA use session cookies to allow you to move from page to page without having to login or re-submit details each time.

(b) Persistent (or Permanent) Cookies

Persistent cookies that are stored on the user's computer memory and are not deleted when the browser is closed. WSA use these cookies to record your preferences for the website in order to present something relevant to you on the next time you visit the website. They are also used to collect information about the numbers of visitors, the average time spent on a particular page and analyse behaviour on the website. This information is used to find out how the well the website works and where it can be improved.

(c) Flash Cookies (or Locally Shared Objects)

You probably have Adobe Flash installed on your computer. Websites that contain Flash can also store small files on your computer that are used in the same way as cookies.

Flash cookies can also back up the data that is stored in other cookies. When you delete cookies, your Flash cookies are not affected. So a website may still recognise you if it backed up the deleted cookie information on a Flash cookie.

(d) Third-party cookies

WSA may works with selected companies to provide additional content and services, for example Google Analytics to mine insights from the cookies we obtain. They may also set cookies on our behalf. 


Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. If you decide not to accept our cookies, you can set up your browser to stop accepting cookies or prompt you before accepting a cookie from the sites you visit.  You can find instructions on how to do this at However, please note that certain features of our Website may not function properly without the aid of cookies. 


We may change this Cookies Policy from time to time and any changes will be posted to this page on our Website and therefore you should continue to check this page to ensure you are happy with any changes. It is your responsibility to ensure you are happy with any revised terms and by continuing to use our Website and signing up for our events and activities, you will be deemed to have accepted any revised terms.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at  

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